解行业新技术,为产品的技术创新提供保障。4. Get information about new technologies in the industry in a timely manner to provide foundation for technological innovations of the product.5、对产品技术资料进行有效管理,确保技术资料的准确与安全。5. Properly manage product technical information and to ensure their accuracy and safety.6、上级临时交代的岗位职责范围内的其它技术性工作。6. Other technical tasks assigned by the supervisor.职位需求与任职条件:Job Requirements and Qualifications1、 ***机械制造及自动化或相关专业专科及以上学历;英语良好 1. College degree or above education background, majoring in machinery manufacturing and automation or related subjects; fluent English.2、熟悉电脑操作,精通机械制图并熟练运用CAD等二维绘图软件,会使用Solid works等三维软件来进行产品设计。2. Familiar with computer operation; know well mechanical drawing and able to proficiently use 2D drawing software such as CAD; able to 3D drawing software such as Solid works for the design of products.3、3年以上的相关工作经验。3. 3 years or above related work experience.4、熟悉矿山机械产品,了解矿山机械产品生产工艺流程,熟悉产品市场及客户群体4. Familiar with machining machinery; know well the production process; know well the products, market and customer groups.5、工作认真负责、严谨细致,有良好的团队精神和沟通能力,能承受一定的工作压力5. Responsible and conscientious working attitude; good team spirit and communication skills; able to work under pressure.6、能坚守工作原则,保守公司秘密6. Stick to work principles and keep secrets of the company.
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